About Us

Have you ever wondered:

What was the date Yesterday?

What the date was 10 days ago?

What the date was 100 days ago?

What the date was 1000 days ago?

What was the date 10,000 days ago?

What was the date 100,000 days ago?

How many days until Xmas?

If I was born on 29th of February 2000 how 'old' am I now?

How many milliseconds have there been since 1911? We can't do that yet, but it's on the roadmap!

How many days pass on Mars in a year?. Again this is on the roadmap, so check back later!

If so, give Estidater a try!

I often find myself wondering how long it is until a certain date (Xmas, Birthdays etc). There was nothing on the internet that could quite answer my questions so I created this site myself. I hope you find it as useful as I do!